A Better Environment For All

Mossy – A.I. Natural Air Purifier

Natalie Loi Yoke Kei
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About Project

Mossy – An au naturale air purification barrier with A.I. sensors that cleans 7000 people’s worth of breathable air every 60 minutes, inspired by the Mossy Forest in Cameron Highlands. This system will combine nature and science to educate and influence behaviour while providing:


  1. Natural Air Purification: Naturally cleans 80% of air particulates that filters through moss (pollution & cancerous particles)
  2. Natural Sound Absorber: Dampens frequencies with its soft fibrous fibres
  3. Nature’s Air Conditioner: Reduces up to 4°C of temperature that filters through

Mossy will be integrated with Artificial Intelligence sensors to analyse the carbon footprint of ongoing vehicles and pedestrians, and will encourage people to walk instead of drive with its informative display screens. These screen will also provide lights for safer night walking and travelling.

My name is Natalie, Australian High Commissioner Awarded Young Entrepreneur 2023 and the head of technology at Malaysia’s first Youth Led AR Education Development Company, with the aim of building technology for a better future.

The Problem

1. Heatwaves
Malaysia faced a heatwave in 2023, with highest recorded temperatures reaching 38.4°C that resulted in the death of 2 children and several others requiring medical care (The Strait Times, 2023). Unfortunately, the increased temperatures will continue as a result of climate change, with the World Bank Group and Asian Development Bank’s Climate Risk Country Profile predicting a 3.11°C temperature increase in less than 70 years (NST, 2023).

However, as published by Think City, it is shown that although temperatures continue to increase in Malaysia, certain parts of Kuala Lumpur managed to beat the average rise in temperature in Malaysia, with only a 1.64°C increase compared to Penang’s 6.37°C increase for the past 30 years which is attributed to increased greenery in the city (Think City, 2021, NST, 2021).

2. Air Pollution/ Increased Carbon Emissions
1 in 9 people in Malaysia die from Air Pollution (NST 2019).

Kuala Lumpur’s air pollution is 3 times worse than the Air Quality Guideline Value given by the WHO, with PM2.5 (fine particles primarily coming from car, truck, bus and off-road vehicle) being the primary pollutants (IQAir). Furthermore in 2017, DBKL has reported 25 million metric tonnes of carbon emissions, equal to 444kg of CO2 produced each second into our breathable air. With the increase of vehicles on the road, the number will only continue to rise with worsening air pollution.

As a result of heatwaves, air pollution and noise pollution, people in Kuala Lumpur suffer from:
- Poor walking experiences
- Negative health impacts

Other Issues:
- Safety concerns from night walking (as published by Think City)
- Lack of awareness of environmental damage from negative behaviours (Driving vs Walking)

Areas of Focus

Improvement to Environment
Community Resiliency

Project’s Solutions

Mossy, a moss covered sound barrier that naturally cleans 7000 people’s air every 60 minutes through its Superpowers of purifying air, reducing temperatures and absorbing loud sounds
- Temperature Reducing (up to 4 degrees)
- Purification System that Cleans the Air of Cancerous Particles & Pollution
- Lights that Allows for Safer Night Walks
- AI System that Measures Carbon Emissions and Encourages Walking
- Sound Barriers that Protect Pedestrians and Reduce Sound Pollution
Together, Nature and Science aims to promote a positive walking experience and habit while improving the environment through identification, education and action

Project Execution

Production & Support (Month 1-2)
Developing two products, coding the system, sourcing the moss, and gaining the support of DBKL for location implementation

Installation & Promotions (Month 3)
Installations at location, with social media marketing to promote walking with updates on the milestones

AI Monitoring, Feedback & Learning (Month 4)
Getting feedback from the system and the public to improve AI system

Phase 2 - Improvements & Installations (Month 5)
Bug fixes and system improvements and another two location implementations

Impact on Downtown KL

Air Purification
Naturally cleans 7000 people’s air every 60 minutes through its Superpowers of purifying air, reducing temperatures and absorbing loud sounds, with similar projects of proven implementation in over 10 cities in Europe, cleaning the air from cancerous particles and dust
Safe Walking
Mossy is created with safe walking barriers to ensure pedestrians and children are shielded from ongoing traffic. It also utilises AI sensors and lights to provide visibility at night while checking the air for pollution levels to ensure maximum Mossy purification
Self-functioning Ecosystem
Mossy is sourced and created by local manufacturers and farmers, and partnered with IOT and AI companies such as Celcom, UnBound and China Mobile to provide connectivity, Mossy will then be placed around pedestrian walks and retail spaces, with the support of DBKL to clean and purify the surrounding environment. This will generate new revenue channels through its surrounding footfall with ads partners such to create a sustainable ecosystem

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Mossy – A.I. Natural Air Purifier

by Natalie Loi Yoke Kei

Voting is now closed.

20 September 2023

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Mossy – A.I. Natural Air Purifier
By Natalie Loi Yoke Kei
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