A Better Environment For All

Food Waste Treatment with Insects in 7 days

Entomal BioTech
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About Project

Entomal is South East Asia’s leading black soldier fly (BSF) solution provider. We’re launching our innovative system for food waste management: the Entomal Mobile BioConversion System (EMBC).

Housed in a shipping container, the EMBC is a cutting-edge solution designed to tackle the food waste crisis in Kuala Lumpur. This decentralised system, strategically located across the city, will address both waste management and environmental concerns.

The EMBC will utilise the remarkable abilities of black soldier flies to convert food waste into valuable resources. By deploying this system, we will also raising awareness of responsible waste management practices. As each ton of waste in landfills generates 2.5 tons of carbon emissions, the EMBC’s impact will extend to mitigating carbon footprints and enhancing Kuala Lumpur’s sustainability goals.

Furthermore, the EMBC will help achieve circular economy and generate useful downstream products (insect protein and organic fertilisers). This will offer an excellent source of animal feed for pets and livestock farmers. Additionally, the organic fertilisers will enhance the city’s landscape aesthetics and support urban farming initiatives.

Through this challenge, Entomal aims to showcase the potential of the EMBC in transforming Kuala Lumpur into a greener, more sustainable city while empowering communities to take proactive steps towards efficient food waste management.

The Problem

1. Mounting Food Waste
KL's existing waste management infrastructure struggles to cope with the city's increasing food waste generation due to urbanisation and changing consumption patterns.

2. Environmental Impact
Improper food waste disposal leads to the emission of greenhouse gases. Each ton of waste in landfills generates 2.5 tons of carbon emissions. The current waste management practices exacerbate KL's environmental challenges.

3. Limited Resources Utilisation
Conventional waste management systems fail to capitalise on the potential value of food waste. Valuable nutrients and resources are lost when food waste ends up in landfills.

4. Lack of Awareness
Many citizens are not aware of the environmental consequences of improper waste disposal. Lack of education hinders efforts to implement effective waste reduction and recycling practices.

Areas of Focus

Improvement to Environment
Economic Development

Project’s Solutions

The Entomal Mobile Bioconversion System (EMBC) is an innovative solution encapsulated within a 20ft shipping container. Strategically stationed close to waste generation sources (communities, food courts, restaurants) the EMBC will be able to treat 500-1000kg of food waste monthly
The process
1. Food waste is collected and pre-treated in blue drums and prepared for the bioconversion process.
2. The treated waste is finely ground and introduced to the black soldier fly larvae
3. Over 7 days, these diligent larvae work their magic, transforming the food waste into two valuable resources: nutrient-rich insect protein and organic fertiliser
4. The dual output can be neatly separated, allowing them to serve distinct beneficiaries (pet shops, livestock farmers, urban farmers, landscapers)
The impact
1. Innovative Bioconversion
2. Reduced Carbon Footprint
3. Resource Recovery
4. Awareness Campaigns
5. Support for Urban Farming

Entomal's EMBC is not just a waste management solution. It's a catalyst for positive change, addressing food waste challenges while supporting community engagement and a more environmentally conscious future for KL

Project Execution

Phase 0: Site Selection
- Duration: 3-6 weeks
- Identify suitable sites adjacent to waste sources, potential sites within downtown KL are: Taman U-Thant, Jalan Alor parking lot, Central Market, and Petaling Street. Pasar Selayang is also currently under consideration.
* We are currently in conversation with DBKL to determine the most suitable and approved location.
* We've also obtained an official support letter from Department of Veterinary Services on the treatment of organic waste with Black Soldier Flies

Phase 1: Blueprint & Set Up
- Duration: 4-6 weeks
- Purchase & install necessary equipment within the EMBC.
- Ensuring a stable supply of electricity and water to support the EMBC's operations.
- Hire and provide training for the operational staff on the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the entire bioconversion process.

Phase 2: Stakeholders Engagement
- Engage with food waste generators, including restaurants, food stalls, and communities, to encourage them to send their food waste to the EMBC.
- Establish partnerships with downstream off-takers to ensure a sustainable market for the products. We have initiated conversation with the Farmers' Associations, neighbouring pet shops are also potential off-takers.
- Establish an incentive programme with local council / partnering businesses and startups aimed at encouraging participation.

Phase 3: Operations
- Distribute blue drums to restaurants for efficient food waste collection
- Designate fixed collection days (2-3 times per week) for food waste to be delivered and collected at the EMBC.
- Trained workers and entomologists will oversee the pre-treatment and grinding of the waste before it is fed to the larvae.
- Monitor the bioconversion process, ensuring optimal conditions for the black soldier fly larvae to work efficiently.
- Harvest the downstream products, insect protein, and organic fertiliser, in batches for further distribution.
- Allow individuals and urban farmers to purchase the products or establish regular partnerships for off-take.

Phase 4: Awareness Programs
- Collaborate with schools, community associations, zero-waste groups, and corporations to conduct awareness programs.
- Raise awareness about sustainable waste management practices, the benefits of the EMBC, and the importance of reducing food waste.
- The awareness programs will contribute to a broader adoption of responsible waste disposal and promote the EMBC's positive impact on the environment and community.

Resources Required
- Labour: 2 personnel working approximately 5-6 hours per week.
- Space: Sufficient space to accommodate a 20x8ft container with additional buffer space.
- Infrastructure: Stable electricity and water supply to support the EMBC's operations.

By carefully following this execution plan and moving through the outlined phases, we aim to successfully establish and scale the EMBC as a transformative solution for food waste management in Kuala Lumpur

Impact on Downtown KL

Improved Waste Management and Reduced Carbon Footprint
The EMBC's strategic placement in downtown areas will greatly enhance waste management. By offering an efficient and localised solution for food waste disposal, the project will divert significant amounts of organic waste away from landfills. As each ton of waste in landfills generates 2.5 tons of carbon emissions, just ONE EMBC UNIT will contribute to up to 28 tons CO2e reduction per year. This aligns with Kuala Lumpur's commitment to combatting climate change and promoting environmental sustainability
Pioneering Sustainable Waste Management Practices and Raising Awareness
The EMBC project's emphasis on awareness campaigns and community engagement will set a new standard for sustainable food waste treatment in downtown Kuala Lumpur. By actively involving schools, community associations, zero-waste groups, and corporations in its awareness programs, the project will not only promote responsible waste management but will also foster a culture of environmental stewardship. As downtown residents and businesses adopt these practices, a ripple effect will occur, inspiring more sustainable behaviour across the city
Enhanced Urban Farming and Local Food Production The availability of high-quality organic fertilisers
The availability of high-quality organic fertilisers generated by the EMBC will provide a substantial boost to urban farming initiatives in downtown KL. Urban farmers will have access to affordable nutrient-rich soil amendments that promote healthy plant growth and yield. This, in turn, will contribute to increased local food production, supporting the city's aspirations for greater self-sufficiency in food supply. As a result, downtown areas will witness the transformation of under-utilised spaces into thriving urban gardens, fostering a stronger sense of community engagement and empowerment
Strengthening Food Security Through Insect Protein
In scale, the production of insect protein addresses food security concern by providing a novel and nutrient-rich source of animal feed. The protein can be utilised to nourish livestock, including poultry, fish, and other animals, ultimately leading to higher yields and improved animal health. By reducing dependence on traditional protein sources, such as soy and fishmeal, Malaysia can strengthen its resilience against disruptions in global food supply chains

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Food Waste Treatment with Insects in 7 days

by Entomal BioTech

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20 September 2023

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Food Waste Treatment with Insects in 7 days
By Entomal BioTech
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